Hey hey hey!!! Anyone up for a blog train??? It has been a while since I have gotten to participate in a blog train so I am super excited about this one. The Collaboration kit by the Faith Sister Designers is called Homecooked Happiness and is filled with all the wonderful things that bring you back to the Cooking at the Holidays and those special cooking moments.
Here is my part of the train.... make sure to get to all the stations including the one at the shop (a wonderful freebie surprise is waiting for you there!). Make you finish up your ride by the end of the week because all the trains will be out of the stations to never come back!

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Here are where the other trains are located:
Here are where the other trains are located:
Audra's Little Scraps: http://audraslittlescraps.blogspot.com
Busy Mama Designs: http://somuchtoscrapbook.blogspot.com/
Dielle Designs: http://diellesdarlings.blogspot.com/
Digital Compilations by Cinda: http://blog.digitalcompilations.com
Digital Designs by Lisa: http://www.digitaldesignsbylisa.blogspot.com/
Emma Moore: http://eyeletsscrapsdesigns.blogspot.com/
Kris Mazy: http://www.Scrapwarrior.com/blog
Meredith Cardall: http://meredithcardall.blogspot.com
Robin Willson: http://robin-giftsyoucanfeelgoodabout.blogspot.com
Scrap Quest: www.scrapquest.com
Sweet Tomato Designs: http://sweettomatodesigns.blogspot.com
TMA Designs: http://themathematiciansassistant.com
Wilro&co Designs: http://willrownco.blogspot.com/
Faith Sisters: http://www.faithsisters.com
Busy Mama Designs: http://somuchtoscrapbook.blogspot.com/
Dielle Designs: http://diellesdarlings.blogspot.com/
Digital Compilations by Cinda: http://blog.digitalcompilations.com
Digital Designs by Lisa: http://www.digitaldesignsbylisa.blogspot.com/
Emma Moore: http://eyeletsscrapsdesigns.blogspot.com/
Kris Mazy: http://www.Scrapwarrior.com/blog
Meredith Cardall: http://meredithcardall.blogspot.com
Robin Willson: http://robin-giftsyoucanfeelgoodabout.blogspot.com
Scrap Quest: www.scrapquest.com
Sweet Tomato Designs: http://sweettomatodesigns.blogspot.com
TMA Designs: http://themathematiciansassistant.com
Wilro&co Designs: http://willrownco.blogspot.com/
Faith Sisters: http://www.faithsisters.com
Have a blessed day!
Designs by Angel